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Couples Counselling

Make your relationship what you want it to be.

Couples counselling Sydney is a friendly and higly professional service that will help you with any of your relationship needs and concerns.  It is a safe place for you to work through your issues with the help of a professional counseller.  Do you have a relationshp that you are not sure of and are wondering if you can fix it.  Or perhaps your relationship is pretty good but you want to make it as good as it can possibly by.  If so you’re not alone, both of these problems and everything in between are common and will benefit from couples counselling.

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Relationship Coaching Will Help

What can Couples Counsellling Do to Help

The main reasons why relationships fail are because people don’t choose wisely and they don’t know how to communicate well or they are poor at resolving their differences or they have faulty expectations and intentions. What’s sad is there are solutions to all of these problems and if people learned those solutions many more relationships would stay together and grow to become what the people in them want them to be.

But there’s more to it than just staying together. Almost all of us want to be in a great relationship. What’s exciting is you can be if you know how to find the right person and relate well. What’s more almost as much as eating sleeping and breathing most of us will spend a great chunk of our days relating. So it makes sense to learn all you can so one of the biggest parts of your life can be as good as it possibly can be. So you can enjoy the kind of partnerships you have always wanted. So you can learn how to know the difference between the keepers and the losers. So your relationship is full of fun, support, love, care, excitement, happiness and security.

Probably though the most important reason is so you can live a happy secure and fulfilling life by having a happy secure and fulfilling relationship

Private Couples Counselling

You can choose between one to one or two to one coaching or group classes.

Couples Counselling for the Individual

Private coaching is for individuals or couples who want to work with an expert in relationships on particular areas such as communications or intimacy, or to stop fighting and solve any problems they may have. In private coaching you will have the opportunity to learn the skills to enhance your relationships and make them all they can be. Often people who are not in a relationship come in to find out how to attract the right person and then create a lasting secure relationship, while others simply want to learn how to improve communications, and connectedness.  If you want to know more simply email me by following this link Enquire Now

Couples Counselling for Two

Group classes are for groups of 6-8 people who all want to learn as much as they can about how to attract, secure and grow a relationship. Another difference is the fees.  Group sessions are 50% less than private sessions.  If you want to know more simply email me by following this link Enquire Now.  Group Classes are broken down into three subjects.  How to find the right person for you.  How to make your existing relationship as good as it can possibly be and how to know if you should leave, when to leave and how to leave.

How Does Couples Counselling Help?


Anyone who wants to avoid the traps and who wants to make their relationships as good as they possibly can be will benefit from relationship coaching. If your relationship isn’t as good as it could then learn what you need to know and do to make it work. There are three main areas we cover in our relationship coaching programs. If you fall into one of the following three categories relationship coaching will certainly be able to help you.

1. People who want to find the right person so they can start a relationship.
2. People who want to make their existing relationship better.
3. People who are not sure if they should stay or leave.

How to Find the Right Person

You might be someone who is not already in a relationship and you want to find the right person for you. Relationship Coaching can help you know yourself so you can know who best suits you. What’s more you’ll learn how to identify the problem people who are simply going to waste your time or worse who are simply going manipulate, control and harm you.

How to Make Your Existing Relationship Even Better

You might be just starting out in a new relationship or your relationship is well established and you want to make it as good as it could be. Relationship coaching will teach you what a relationship actually is and how they work so you can make them work best. What’s more you’ll learn how to get out of negative patterns or relating and move into positive patterns of relating that will see you both happy. You’ll learn how to communicate openly and easily so you connection flows. You’ll learn how to work through your differences easily and enjoyably. You’ll learn how to get on great as you work together to create your relationship in the best possible way. You’ll also learn how to increase the sense of care, support, as you finally go on to learn how to create a really positive, supportive, fulfilling and happy relationship.

How to Know if You Should Stay or Leave

Not all relationships are worth saving nor should be saved. However sometimes we can be unsure. Speaking to a relationship coach will help clear up the confusion by answering all your questions you have so you can make a choice. What’s more if you decide to stay or leave a relationship coach can make the transition smooth for you, provide you with answers to all your questions and help you get your life back on track.

Come in Alone or With Your Partner Or Join a Group Class

Either is fine. What’s important however is that you are ready to learn. If you can commit to learning then the coaching process will work for you. Sometimes it’s hard to get both people to come along. If this is the case the seeing you individually will still help. Having at least one person in a relationship equipped with the right information and strategies is always going to be better then none. Some times you both may come in and at other times only one of you. What works for you is all that matters.

How it works?

Call to book an appointment and your initial session you will be asked some questions and then your coach will explain to you what you need to learn, what strategies you need to gain and what you need to stop doing so you can get back to enjoying relating. Once you’ve decided how you want to proceed we will take you step by step through the process as you learn what works from what doesn’t.

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02 9420 0788

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We often hear the phrase, “relationships are hard.” But they don’t have to be. Whether we talk about personal or professional relationships, communication is the key. With our simple coaching programs, we will teach you how to communicate effectively so your relationships work with you not against you. We are expert in improving corporate employee relationship management through enhanced relationship cohesion, communication and conflict resolution.

Building effective working relationships is important for the success of any business. If you’re a manager or the CEO of a company and want to build and maintain effective working relationships with your colleagues, or employees or if you want to have effective working relationships with other professionals, our service can show you how to maximise cohesion and collaboration.

Effective relationship management can help by increasing productivity and reducing conflicts, improve collaboration and problem solving. Business relationship coaching can help your employees bond and connect with each other and build a healthier work culture.

Effective working relationships depend on clear communication. We can teach you how to communicate with influence and inspire motivation and engagement. Here are some of the areas we focus on when we help our clients develop effective communications and improve their relationships:

  • Being mindful with your words so you can inspire and motivate action
  • Practicing active listening so you can understand root causes
  • Effectively managing roles, boundaries in workplace relationships
  • Seeking understanding, clarity and accuracy in problem solving
  • The importance of validating self and others to create engagement and connection
  • Understanding the secret of collaboration, negotiation versus conflict and opposition

Our employee relationship management program will show you how to build a friendly environment and lower stress in the workspace. With improved relationship management, you can get things done easier and better, while also enhancing work culture and enjoy going to the office. Improved culture will reduce absenteeism at work and boost productivity and staff and client engagement. We can also help in leveraging the core capabilities of your employees by bringing out the best in them.

Our professional relationship coaching can help you develop a better and more relaxed but highly effective work environment. Apart from employee relationship management, we also offer professional coaching in personal effectiveness, team development activities, and leadership effectiveness coaching.

With the right type of coaching program, you can build a positive work environment so your employees are friendly cooperative and supportive of each other. By lowering anxiety and stress, levels and improving resilience you will develop a culture that is healthy, resilient, optimistic, and effective. We begin by helping you and your people feel safe, respected and willing to be open. We have very carefully prepared programs to help your employees or work partners feel comfortable and discuss business issues in a constructive environment, even when things are difficult.

With a program of social skills, conflict resolution, negotiation and clear communication, together we can nurture a culture of safety, support, respect and engagement in the workspace.