Alcohol Counselling & Controlled Drinking Program
Clear Day Consulting provides friendly effective alcohol counselling in Sydney CBD. Our programs represent evidence-based alcohol counselling and controlled drinking programs. This service is for people with mild to more serious problems with alcohol use.Effective Alcohol Counselling Sydney CBD
Is your alcohol use causing you problems in your relationships, your career, your health? If so you are not alone. You see, alcohol use problems are some of Australia’s biggest challenges. If you are struggling to get your alcohol use under control then we can help. At Clear Day we provide evidence-based alcohol counselling and controlled drinking programs that work.Are you struggling to keep your alcohol
use under control?
Our service isn’t for everyone. If your drinking behaviour is extremely severe then we may not be able to help. Or on the other hand, if you’re able to hold down a job but your alcohol use is causing problems in your life then we probably can help. If you want to know how to control your drinking then give us a call today on 94200788. We provide, the very best in, effective, friendly, professional, evidence-based, alcohol counselling services in Sydney CBD as well as North Sydney, and Glebe.Friendly, Professional, Alcohol Counselling Sydney CBD.

Why choose Clear Day’s Alcohol counselling and controlled drinking services?
About Clear Day’s alcohol counselling services?
Clear Day’s alcohol counselling services will help you take control of your drinking. You see, our approach will help you change your relationship with alcohol, so you are in control of it and it is not in control of you. With this in mind, we will show you how you can live a happier and more fulfilling life free of alcohol addiction.
You can receive counselling face to face or via video or phone, whatever works best for you. That way we are able to help you no matter where you are. If your alcohol dependency affects your mental, emotional, and physical health, then you should reach out for help. Or if alcohol dependency negatively affects your relationships and your self-confidence and your career give us a call and let’s start getting you the help you need. Clear Day’s personalised programs will help you gradually let go of your unhealthy attachments and form fulfilling new ones with your family, friends, partner and job. It will help you get real enthusiasm and engagement for life again.Alcohol Counselling and Controlled Drinking Across Sydney
What are Clear Day’s drug and alcohol counselling services?
We provide values centred alcohol counselling and coaching services. It’s simple and it works. Our program is suited to anyone who has a mild, to significant drinking problem.Values Centred Counselling and Coaching
We Focus on Teaching You Control
We focus on teaching you to be someone how to control or eliminate alcohol consumption, instead of being controlled by it. As you do our program and you gain control of your problem drinking you’ll get your confidence back. As a result, of gaining control, you will feel much better, have more energy, optimism and your mood will improve. Likewise, your sense of happiness and your enthusiasm for life will grow. Finally, you’ll feel happier and more comfortable in your mind and body.
Clear Day Counselling and Coaching Services provides alcohol counselling and controlled drinking programs across Sydney CBD as well as North Sydney and Glebe.
Don’t wait until your life is in crisis
Call to book a free 20 min phone consult to discuss how we can help
Alcohol Counselling and Controlled Drinking Sydney CBD
Where can I access alcohol counselling in Sydney?
Clear Day Consulting provides effective, professional, friendly, alcohol counselling and controlled drinking programs in Sydney’s CBD. We provide face-to-face programs as well as programs on video or phone counselling services. This makes it easy for you to access the help you need wherever you are.
An initial consultation is required to determine if this program is suitable for you. If this program is not right for you, we will refer you to an appropriate service.
To arrange a consultation for alcohol counselling Sydney call 02 9420 0788 or fill out the online inquiry form.
To understand a little more about Clear Day Consulting, and how we operate follow this link. About Us. If you’d like to find out about some of our other services please follow this link. Our Services
Alcohol Counselling
Harmful drinking can affect every area of your life. With this in mind, if you feel your relationship with alcohol is becoming a problem, our services can help you to break free from this very common problem and give you the tools to get your life back on track. Our program aims to help you create a healthy relationship with alcohol so you will be able to enjoy controlled drinking without alcohol taking charge. If you’d like to find out more please call 94200788. We provide drug and alcohol counselling services in Sydney CBD as well as North Sydney and Glebe.
Alcohol Counselling Sydney CBD
Our values-centred alcohol treatment services teach you the skills and strategies to break free from the troubles of addiction and dependence, so you can start enjoying a fulfilling and healthy life.
Alcohol counselling will help
you when you want to get your life back on track.
If you believe that you or someone you know would benefit from receiving alcohol counselling then call us on 94200788 to book a free 20 min phone consult in which you can discuss your situation and find out if we can help.
How Does It Work?
Values centred alcohol counselling and controlled drinking. It’s simple and it works.
It focuses on shifting your values from someone who can’t seem to live without alcohol to someone who can control their alcohol consumption and thrive because they control it.
With this program you regain your sense of balance, your enthusiasm for other things will grow and you will be able to enjoy life much more dependence on alcohol.
Who would benefit from counselling?
This program is not suitable for people with severe alcohol abuse. With this in mind if you believe that you are overindulging or if your life is being negatively impacted by alcohol abuse then this program will help.
Is alcohol use harmful?
The short answer is yes. Alcohol is not a health food. That is to say, in small amounts, it doesn’t appear to cause significant problems. However, in larger amounts, it can harm your health. Alcohol use problems are one of the leading causes of death in Australia. Typically it causes harm to the liver, brain, pancreas and large intestine. Similarly, it causes suppression of your immune system that leaves you vulnerable to increase risk of cancer, diabetes and hear diseas.
We provide friendly professional and effective alcohol counselling in Sydney CBD as well as North Sydney and Glebe.
Call us on 9420 0788 to book a free 20 min phone consultation to discuss if we can help.
Frequently Asked Questions
In small amounts alcohol doesn’t appear to cause significant harm to your health. However in larger amounts alcohol most definitely causes harm. That is to say as you drink more your risk of cancer, because your immunity is diminished. In addition to that your likelihood of dementia also increases.
Here is a link to an article from Psychology Today that can explain some of the more immediate harmful effects of Alcohol abuse. Four Reasons You Should Pay More Attention to Your Alcohol Use. Similarly here is another about drug use. Drug Use as an Epidemic Phenomenon. Psychology Today Australia
At Clear Day we use evidence-based strategies to teach you how to control your drinking so that it is harm free.
Each session is a simple process of learning how to control your automatic habits and urges, so your habits and urges do not control you. Think of it as a coaching program that teaches you how to master yourself impulses and go on to live a more fulfilling life without dependence on harmful drinking behaviours.
Most people find it pleasant to learn how to overcome their habits, urges and impulses. If you have a mild to moderate alcohol problem you can expect to achieve excellent results. If you have a more serious problem with alcohol use it will take time but you can also expect to get things under control.
At Clear Day Consulting we provide the best in face-to-face consultations and the best in either video or phone counselling. You just have to decide what suits you best. If you want to take advantage of video or phone consultations simply and book one in and then at the time of your appointment your counselor will call you. Payment is made by credit card at the end of the session.
At Clear Day we use up to date research based psychological strategies to help you eliminate illegal drug use and also to learn how to control your drinking.
When it comes to each session, it is a simple process of learning how to control your automatic habits and urges so your habits and urges do not control you. Think of it as a coaching program that teaches you how to master yourself and go on to live a more fulfilling life without recreational drugs and with controlled, safe drinking behaviours.
Most people find it pleasant to learn how to overcome their habits and go on to create a much happier and fulfilled life. If you have a moderate drug or alcohol problem, you can expect to get very good results. If you have a severe problem, it will take time but you can also expect big improvements.
Each session is 55 minutes and the fee is 235.00. Some people get excellent results in about 5 sessions. Others take longer. The average number of sessions that people use is 9.
No, Medicare does not cover drug or alcohol abuse programs unless you have a mental health condition. In this case, you need to go to your GP and get diagnosed with a mental health condition.
Then you can be treated for that condition under the Medicare Better Access to Health Program. If you would like to do this, we can arrange for you to see a Clinical Psychologist once you have your Better Health Access Plan.
Some health funds may cover counselling for drug and alcohol use.
To understand a little more about Clear Day Consulting, and how we operate follow this link. About Us. If you’d like to find out about some of our other services please follow this link. Our Services
Clear Day Consulting has offices in Sydney, North Sydney and Glebe. We provide professional drug and alcohol counselling in Sydney CBD, North Sydney and Glebe.